Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gift of Cheesecake by Uncle Failure

In a comprehensive manner I (purely out of my own personal experience) hereby list out the following benefits of failure -

1) The knowledge of what I cannot do

2) The knowledge of what others can which I can't

3) How far behind I am from the last person in the race that I can almost lead the next group

4) What I have been doing is not my best but much less than what I can still make out

5) I have started waking up at a decent time in the morning and work till a little late

6) At last I am sincere in life (ummm... yes I can say that) :)

7) People say I am losing weight (walah!!!)

8) At the rock bottom, I have nothing to lose, so I am super tension free :)

9) The already there bad habits are walking out of life.
    (....yeah...... I know.... but blogging is not a bad habit, come on!)

Finally)  Everyday I get to know how much more I could have done and have had a nice time now - but at the same time I would not have had the life's most precious benefits which I have just enumerated :)



selfie# said...

Height of Optimism..Loved it :)

Old MacDonald said...

hmmm ...... hmmmm ....... hmmmm

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